How Good Is Your Listening Skill?

Listening Skill

In the world of services and businesses, we should listen. We listen to listen. How can we serve consumers well if we do not ever listen?
How would generate Excellent Product if you do not want to listen? If if there is a choice, "Which is better, in good or bad taste in our customer?". Most choose 'good in us', most choose 'bad taste in consumers'. But my advice, choose the good for both.However, if you must choose, choose the better for the consumer. Those who pay our salaries. We should be aware.Often we try to bombard consumers with our advertising. Hope when we advertise the consumer will be vying to buy. Rarely of us who give added value to our prospective customers. We continued to sell-sell-sell. We hope customers affected. We ask to be heard-heard-heard.Can we be heard in this way? In school we are taught how to talk, how to make a speech. Have we taught how to hear? Perhaps what happens is we are 'forced' to hear.An expert on world negotiations, William Uri, Ph.D, said that in fact we are 'listening to be heard'. As bad as someone any idea, that idea is true, even if only from the standpoint of him. We must admit the idea was correct.One way to admit he was right viewpoint is to repeat the words.Suppose a client comes to the customer service desk and complain and raging like this, "your goods outrageous. You sell counterfeit goods yah? What is this stuff? You want to cheat me yah? Just used the week has been damaged ".You have two alternatives. First you answer something like, "Well, our father accused swindler? No way! Mr. times makenya carelessly. Instructions have been read yet? Do not carelessly YAH !!! ". Approximately you know what will happen. Be prepared ducked to avoid the flight of stuff around the office.The second alternative, you can say, "Okay sir, to be left alone once the goods. We'll check and fathers will we let you know again ". Consumers may agree (after a heated debate) and leave the goods in a state of upset. Try to avoid this. Bad impression that was taken when leaving the office may be the only impression left on your office.The third alternative you can answer like this: "Yes sir. Mr. correct. Used goods have been damaged week well, sir .... you feel that this is outrageous, well, sir. " Maybe you wonder why you even agreed anyway?!?Because any silly idea anyway customer, must be true, even if only from the standpoint of him. By repeating the words of the customer and acknowledge his feelings, the customer will feel heard and understood. And it is one of the basic human needs!After repeating the words of the customer as above, then we can ask, "Can a story, sir? How did new goods used this week have been damaged? ". When the client finished, repeat words or story. He will feel heard and understood (I deliberately repeat many times in order to remember, because it's important).After she feels understood, then the client will begin to listen to any solution that is trying to convey. Then delivering solutions can work well.Whoever we are, whether a husband, a wife, an employee, a boss; we need to be heard. Right?