Audacity is a free audio editing applications are available for Windows, Mac OS and Linux.Ini lets you record live audio, but you can also use it to record and convert old tapes or LPs to MP3 or other digital format.

It's also easy to edit MP3, WAV, AIFF and Ogg Vorbis files: You can cut, strengthen, remove noise and apply effects such as fade-in and fade-out.See also: How to convert audio cassettes to CD or MP3Which makes it ideal for editing the podcast (even supports automatic duck) or recording a multi-track.Jika you have the right hardware, can even record multiple channels at once.Here we'll show you how to get to grips with Audacity, including downloading additional codecs so you can save the edited audio file in MP3 format.First, download Audacity of and menginstalnya.Kami using Windows 8 here, but you should be able to follow the tutorial if you are using an older version, Mac OS or Linux.How to edit the audio file in AudacityStep 1Begin by opening an audio file that ada.Hal easiest to do is to go to your music folder and open the file MP3.Anda will see a blue wave form (two waveforms if the stereo track), the time scale along the top and playback controls.Audacity 1 - Open fileStep 2Let us fading in this song because we do not want to start keras.The selection tool (the same icon as used in Microsoft Office) are default.Klik and drag a selection of about five second mark back to the beginning trek.Dari Effect menu, select Fade In.Audacity 2 - FadeStep 3To keep track editing, click File and then Export ... Browse to the folder where you want to save the file and edit or type a name for the file stored in the File name box: Using a drop-down box, select MP3 as format.Anda then be see Edit Metadata window where you can enter or edit the song name, artist, album, year, and so on.Audacity 3 - MetadataStep 4Do not include apapun.Sebaliknya information, click OK and you will see a message saying Audacity can not find lame_enc.dll.Klik the Download button and your browser should open with instructions on how to download and install an MP3 encoder.Audacity 4 - Download MP3 paralyzedStep 5Back to Audacity, click OK, ignore the error and repeat Step 3, this time to enter or edit metadata.Kali this, when you click OK, the file will export correctly as Audacity will find the current encoder.Audacity 5 - Export as MP3Step 6If you have a microphone, you can record live audio.Pertama, make sure your microphone is selected by using the drop-down menu (you can change whether to record in stereo or mono use other drop down to the right) .Click File, then New and click round red record button.Audacity 6 - Record of the microphoneStep 7If the recorded audio is too quiet (wave does not reach the top and bottom of the scale), you can strengthen itu.Tekan Ctrl-A to select all, then select the Strengthening of Effect.Slider menu will be set to the maximum value possible without clipping, but you can replace this by using the check boxes.Audacity 7 - StrengtheningStep 8Most audio recorded on the microphone will have some background hiss belakang.Untuk eliminate noise, first select the silent portion of the recording you a few seconds panjang.Lebih easier if you first enlarge: click on the magnifying glass and select bagian.Hal then will fill the screen.Audacity 8 - ZoomStep 9Switch back to the Selection tool, and highlight a few seconds' diam'.Sekarang select Noise Removal of Effect.Pada menu window that appears, click Get Noise Noise Elimination Profil.Peluncuran tool again and click Preview to listen hasilnya.Anda can use the slider to Men- tweak filtering.Audacity 9 - Noise deletionStep 10You may want to change some of the default settings, so click Edit then Preferensi.Dalam device you can select playback and recording devices for digunakan.Klik quality and you can select the default sample rate for recording.Audacity 10 - preferencesStep 11To set the default quality when exporting MP3 file, click File and then Ekspor.Sangat easy to miss the Options ... button in the dialog box, but clicking it brings another box where you can set the bitrate and whether it is constant or variable.

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